Tuesday, December 18, 2012

SC 2012 SP1 RTM in early january

A good new from Mike Jacquet :

Meanwhile don't install SP1 beta, because there is no upgrade way from Beta SP1 to RTM SP1...

General Availability is targeted for early January. 
  • Upgrade from Sp1 Beta is only supported for TAP customers who installed RC.
  • Non-TAP customers will only be able to upgrade from DPM 2012 RTM (+ qfe's) to DPM 2012 SP1 RTM.
  •  There is no upgrade path from BETA Sp1 to RTM Sp1, you must reinstall DPM 2012 RTM, then upgrade to SP1 RTM.
Technet content will be updated to include new supported workloads in SP1 of Exchange 2013 and Sharepoint 2013.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Powershell : How to delete Protection Group

Hi Guys,

I use these Powershell scripts to remove datasources from Protection Group:

(Data are retained for recovery purpose when using "-KeepDiskData" parameter. If you don't use "-KeepDiskData", Replica and Recovery points will be deleted)

1- CleanUp your DPM Server - Delete All Protection Groups

Connect-DpmServer $env:COMPUTERNAME
$PgList = @()
$PgList = Get-ProtectionGroup -DPMServerName $env:computername
foreach($Pg in $PgList){
write-host ""
Write-host "# ProtectionGroup Name " -ForegroundColor red -Nonewline
Write-host $Pg.FriendlyName -ForegroundColor green
$mpg = Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup $Pg
$dsList = @()
$dsList = Get-DataSource -ProtectionGroup $Pg
foreach($ds in $dsList){
write-host ("Remove data source ",$ds.Name)
Remove-ChildDataSource -ProtectionGroup $mpg -ChildDataSource $ds -keepDiskData
Set-ProtectionGroup $mpg
Disconnect-DpmServer $env:COMPUTERNAME

2- Delete a Protection Goup 

Connect-DpmServer $env:COMPUTERNAME
$PgList = @()
$pgList = Get-ProtectionGroup -DPMServerName $env:computername
where {($_.friendlyname) -match $StringSearch}
foreach($Pg in $PgList){
write-host ""
Write-host "# ProtectionGroup Name " -ForegroundColor red -Nonewline
Write-host $Pg.FriendlyName -ForegroundColor green
$mpg = Get-ModifiableProtectionGroup $Pg
$dsList = @()
$dsList = Get-DataSource -ProtectionGroup $Pg
foreach($ds in $dsList){
write-host ("Remove data source ",$ds.Name)
Remove-ChildDataSource -ProtectionGroup $mpg -ChildDataSource $ds -keepDiskData
Set-ProtectionGroup $mpg
Disconnect-DpmServer $env:COMPUTERNAME

Feel free to customize/use it.